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Välikommentointia kesäisen nokka-, ja nostinrempan jälkeen.
Kuten kaikki ne jotka ovat seuranneet tämän -89 ja 6.2 dsl seikkailuja vuosien varrelta tietävät että kilometrejä on takana aivan jäätävästi. Nyt viime kesänä vaihdoin ne nostajat joista on oma juttunsa kokonaan sekä siinä samalla uusi käytetty kuitenkin nokka-akseli 6.5dsl moottorista. Näytti olevan ihan passeli kokoonpano.
Olen ajanut nostin rempan jälkeen hiukka päälle 7000km. Öljyina oli ensimmäisen 1000km Scania 4 LPD ja tilalle tuli samanlaiset Scania öljyt + X -1R n 3% seoksella. Elikkäs noilla öljyillä tuli sitten suodattimineen pyyhittyä menemään n 6000km. ( HUOM! n 1000km yli valmistajan suosituksen )
Tänään vaihdoin talvea varten uuden satsin eli öljyt ja putsarin. Öljyksi valitsin Valvoline 5W - 40 All Climate. Laitoin aiemmin jo kesällä Valvolinelle kysely sähköpostia varmistaakseni että öljy on varmasti sopivaa kokeiltavakseni nimenomaan tässä moottorissa. ( Olen kysellyt öljyihin sekä tribologiaa käsitteleviä kysymyksiä muutamilta öljy tuotemerkkien edustajilta )
Valvolinelta saamani vastaus oli tyydyttävä, varsinkin kun se vastaus oli tavattoman asiallinen selvityksineen että öljy on todellakin juuri sopivaa 6.2 dsl moottorille. Mutta ei kuitenkaan samalla kysymyksellä niin hyvin Valiantin slant six moottorille. Ajattelin muutenkin pitäytyä vanin öljyissä joissa kuumaindeksi jää "vain" 40 lukemaan, eikä esim 50. Katson että 30 kuumaindeksi on taas liian matala. No, siitä voi olla montaa mieltä, mutta moottorin omankin ohjeenkin mukaan se pitää olla 40.
Tästä alkaa nyt testikäyttö tälle öljylle. Enpä ole koskaan erikseen maininnut käyttämieni öljyjen nimiä lukuunottamatta tätä Scania LPD 4 ja nyt tämä Valvoline. Sen verran voin paljastaa että synteettisiä olen käyttänyt ja varmistanut soveltuvuuden ennen käyttöä. Valvoline sanoi sähköpostissaan ettei pidä tuijottaa sanoihin "synteettinen tai puolisynteettinen tai mineraali" Tottahan se onkin koska sitä ihan perinteistä mineraaliöljyä ei enää edes valmisteta, eikä tämäkään All Climate ole täyssynteettistä PAO öljyä vaikka niin siinä lukeekin, tai siis ei lue ihan että PAO. Kyseessä on siis ihan perus HC tyyppinen osa PAO öljy jota saa kutsua täyssynteettisesti koska siinä on 15%, tai sen yli PAO öljyä.
Hyvin moottori ainakin käy.
Ja vietävä sentään jos kaiken mitä luulee tuntevansa saisi jotenkin oikeasti joillan menetelmin mitattua. Kun laitoin uudet öljyt ja lisäsin moottori lämpöisenä käydessä n 1,5 - 2% ( huomaa alle suosituksen ) X -1R lisäainetta ja ryykäisin koeajolle. Luuleminen sekä MuTu tuntuma tuntui selkeästi. Nimittäin olisin voinut vannoa että moottori käy herkemmin. No, mistä sitä tietää, paitsi että yleensä aina moottorin öljynvaihdon jälkeen mikä tahansa mylly pyörii jonkin verran herkemmin. Tämän olen vuosikymmenten aikana huomannut lukuisia kertoja lähes kaikissa autoissa joita olen huoltanut.
Kirjoita kommentti (0 kommenttia)Neulaventtiili jumissa.
Selvittelin noiden numerosarjojen kautta että näyttäsi olevan alkuperäinen tai ainakin samalta vuodelta Model 1920 Holley R3053 160CFM ( se pienempi ) versio jota käytettiin manuaaliversioissa joissa ei ollut ilmastointia.
Vuosien aikana olisi ollut mahdollista että alkuperäistyyppisen kaasarin tilalle olisi "vahingossa" luikahtanut automaaattivaihteistollisen vaikkapa vanhempi 1920 R2416A kaasutin. Myös tuo R3056A jota käytettiin automaativaihteistolla 170 koneissa ja myös manuaalivaihteistolla v - 67, sekä kaikissa 225 koneissa vuosina -65 -66 ja -67 . Se olisi ollut hiukan isompi ( 235 CFM ) Muuten täysin sama kaasutin.
Neulaventtiili takertelee oudosti. Välillä jääden auki joten kohokammio tulvii, ja välillä jääden kiinni joten moottorilta loppuu polttoaine.
Kirjoita kommentti (0 kommenttia)PT Cruiser koodeja
30 | Sensor heater relay problem |
36 | Sensor heater relay problem |
106 | MAP sensor voltage out of range detected at startup |
107 | MAP sensor voltage too low |
108 | MAP sensor voltage too high |
112 | Intake air temperature sensor voltage low |
113 | Intake air (charge) temperature sensor voltage high |
116 | Coolant temparature sensor reading doesn't make sense |
117 | Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage low |
118 | Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage high |
121 | Throttle position sensor and MAP sensor disagree with each other |
122 | Throttle position sensor voltage low |
123 | Throttle position sensor voltage high |
125 | Taking too long to reach proper operating temparature and switch to energy-efficient mode |
129 | Bad barometric pressure sensor (thanks, John King) |
130 | Sensor heater relay problem |
131 | Oxygen sensor seems to be shorted out or broken |
147 | Oxygen sensor heater element not working properly (this device helps to reduce emissions more quickly) |
151 | Oxygen sensor voltage problem - short circuit to ground? |
152 | Oxygen sensor voltage problem - short circuit to active 12V? |
153 | Oxygen sensor response too slow |
154 | Oxygen sensor does not show either a rich or lean condition - may need replacement |
155 | Oxygen sensor heater element not working properly (this device helps to reduce emissions more quickly) |
157 | Oxygen sensor voltage problem - short circuit to ground? |
158 | Oxygen sensor voltage problem - short circuit to active 12V? |
159 | Oxygen sensor response too slow |
160 | Oxygen sensor does not show either a rich or lean condition - may need replacement |
161 | Oxygen sensor heater element not working properly (this device helps to reduce emissions more quickly) |
171 | The oxygen sensor is saying that the system air/fuel mix is far too lean (too much fuel is being added as a correction). |
172 | The oxygen sensor is saying that the system air/fuel mix is far too rich (too much air is being added as a correction). |
174 | The oxygen sensor is saying that the system air/fuel mix is far too lean (too much fuel is being added as a correction). |
175 | The oxygen sensor is saying that the system air/fuel mix is far too rich (too much air is being added as a correction). |
176 | Flex fuel sensor can't be seen |
178 | Flex fuel sensor problem |
179 | Flex fuel sensor problem |
182 | Compressed natural gas temperature sensor problem |
183 | Compressed natural gas temperature sensor problem |
201 | Injector #1 control circuit problem (open or shorted) |
202 | Injector #2 control circuit problem (open or shorted) |
203 | Injector #3 control circuit problem (open or shorted) |
204 | Injector #4 control circuit problem (open or shorted) |
300 | Misfire detected in multiple cylinders. |
301 | Misfire detected in cylinder #1. |
302 | Misfire detected in cylinder #2. |
303 | Misfire detected in cylinder #3. |
304 | Misfire detected in cylinder #4. |
320 | Crankshaft position sensor reference signal cannot be found while the engine is cranking. |
325 | Knock sensor (#1) signal is wrong. |
330 | Knock sensor (#2) signal is wrong. |
340 | No camshaft signal being received by the computer |
350 | A coil is drawing too much current. |
351 | Coil #1 is not reaching peak current at the right time |
352 | Coil #2 is not reaching peak current at the right time |
353 | Coil #3 is not reaching peak current at the right time |
354 | Coil #4 is not reaching peak current at the right time |
401 | A required change in air/fuel mixture was not detected during diagnostic test. |
403 | An problem was detected in the EGR solenoid control circuit. |
404 | The EGR sensor's reported position makes no sense |
405 | EGR position sensor voltage wrong. |
406 | EGR position sensor voltage wrong. |
412 | The secondary air solenoid control circuit seems bad (this is used for the aspirator). |
420 | The catalyst seems inefficient (#1). |
432 | The catalyst seems inefficient (#2). |
440 | Evaporative emissions system leak (that's the gas tank fuel vapor recovery system) - usually a loose or bad gas cap. |
441 | Evaporative purge flow system not working properly |
442 | A leak has been detected in the evaporative system! |
443 | Evaporative purge flow system solenoid not working properly |
455 | A large leak has been detected in the evaporative system! |
456 | A small leak has been detected in the evaporative system! |
460 | The fuel level sender is not reporting any change over a long distance. Something seems wrong. |
461 | The fuel level sender is not reporting any change over a long time. Something seems wrong. |
462 | Fuel level sender voltage wrong. |
463 | Fuel level sender voltage wrong. |
500 | Haven't heard from the speed sensor lately. |
505 | The idle speed air control motor doesn't seem to be working correctly. |
522 | Oil pressure sensor problems |
523 | Oil pressure sensor problems |
551 | The power steering switch may not be working. (Neons: high pressure is showing up at high speed) |
600 | Oh-oh! The coprocessors aren't talking to each other within the computer! |
601 | Internal computer error! |
604 | Internal computer error! (RAM check) |
605 | Internal computer error! (ROM) |
615 | Starter relay circuit problem |
622 | Generator field control problem |
645 | A/C clutch relay circuit problem. |
700 | The automatic transmission computer has a problem - ask it what's going on. I don't know. All I know is that the transmission asked me to turn on the MIL (malfunction indicator light). I did it, didn't I? So why are you bugging ME? ... you may have error code 1776, too. I'd check for that. It's patriotic and more informative. |
703 | Brake switch circuit information seems wrong. |
711 | Based on the transmission temperature and its operations, it looks like the transmission temperature sensor's gone bad. |
712 | Transmission fluid temperature sensor voltage wrong. |
713 | Transmission fluid temperature sensor voltage wrong. |
720 | The Output Shaft Speed Sensor doesn't match the reported vehicle speed. |
740 | The engine's running faster than it should for these speeds, so I think thetorque convertor clutch lock-up system is bad |
743 | Torque converter clutch (part throttle unlock) solenoid circuit problem - shift solenoid C electrical fault |
748 | Governor Pressure Solenoid circuit problem (Transmission relay circuit problem in Jeep RE transmissions) |
751 | Overdrive override switch has been pressed for over five minutes. Just thought you should know. |
753 | Overdrive solenoid control circuit problem (transmission relay circuit in Jeep RE transmissions.) |
756 | Shift solenoid B (2-3) fault |
783 | The overdrive solenoid can't go from 3rd gear to the overdrive gear. |
801 | Transmission reverse gear lockout solenoid circuit problem! |
833 | Problem with the clutch-released switch circuit? |
1192 | Inlet air temperature sensor voltage is wrong |
1193 | Inlet air temperature sensor voltage is wrong |
1194 | Oxygen sensor heater performance is faulty |
1195 | Oxygen sensor is slow |
1196 | The oxygen sensor switched too slowly (bank 2). |
1197 | The oxygen sensor switched too slowly (bank 1). |
1198 | Radiator coolant temperature sensor voltage is wrong. |
1199 | Radiator coolant temperature sensor voltage is wrong. |
1281 | The engine is staying cold too long - check your thermostat. |
1282 | The fuel pump relay circuit seems to be having a problem. |
1288 | The intake manifold short runner tuning valve circuit seems to be having a problem. |
1289 | There's a problem in the manifold tuning valve solenoid control circuit. |
1290 | Compressed natural gas system pressure is too high |
1291 | The heated air intake sensor does not seem to be working. |
1292 | Natural gas pressure sensor issue |
1293 | Natural gas pressure sensor issue |
1294 | Can't get to target engine speed, check for vacuum leaks and idle speed motor issues. |
1295 | The throttle position sensor doesn't seem to be getting enough electricity. |
1296 | The MAP sensor doesn't seem to be getting enough electricity. |
1297 | The MAP sensor doesn't change its reading when the engine is running! |
1298 | During wide-open throttle, the engine runs lean. |
1299 | MAP Sensor and Throttle Position Sensor signals don't match, check for a vacuum leak. |
1388 | Auto shutdown relay circuit problems? |
1389 | No Z1 or Z2 voltage seen by the computer when the auto shutdown relay is used. |
1390 | Cam and crank signals don't match - did the timing belt skip a tooth? |
1391 | Sometimes, I can't see the crank or cam sensor signal. |
1398 | I can see the Crank Sensor's signal when I prepare for Misfire Diagnostics. Try replacing it. |
1399 | Problem in the Wait to Start Lamp circuit - (diesels only?) |
1403 | EGR position sensor not getting (enough) voltage. |
1476 | Too little secondary air injection during aspirator test. |
1477 | Too much secondary air injection during aspirator test. |
1478 | Battery temperature sensor voltage wrong. |
1479 | Transmission fan relay circuit problems? |
1480 | PCV solenoid circuit problems? |
1481 | Transmission RPM pulse generator signal for misfire detection seems wrong. |
1482 | Catalyst temperature sensor circuit shorted low. |
1483 | Catalyst temperature sensor circuit shorted high. |
1484 | The catalyst seems to be overheating! |
1485 | Air injection solenoid circuit problems. |
1486 | Pinched or blocked hose in the evaporative hose system. |
1487 | Control circuit of the #2 high-speed radiator fan control relay is having problems. |
1488 | Auxiliary 5-volt sensor feed is too low. |
1489 | High speed radiator fan control circuit problem. |
1490 | Low speed radiator fan control circuit problem. |
1491 | Radiator fan control circuit problem (may be solid state relays as well as other circuits). |
1492 | Ambient or battery temperature sensor voltage wrong |
1493 | Ambient or battery temperature sensor voltage wrong |
1494 | Leak Detection Pump (LDP) pressure switch problem - electrical or the pump itself. |
1495 | Leak Detection Pump (LDP) pressure switch problem - the solenoid circuit. |
1496 | Sensor feed is below an acceptable limit. (under 4v for 4 seconds - should be 5v). |
1498 | High speed radiator fan control circuit problem. (#3 control relay) |
1594 | Voltage too high in charging system. |
1595 | Speed control vacuum or vent solenoid control circuits shorted or lost. |
1596 | Speed control switch always high |
1597 | Speed control switch always low |
1598 | A/C pressure sensor voltage high |
1599 | A/C pressure sensor voltage low |
1681 | No messages received from the cluster control module (dashboard computer). |
1682 | Charging system doesn't seem to be working well. Check alternator, etc. |
1683 | Speed control servo power control circuit problem. |
1684 | The battery has been disconnected within the last 50 starts. |
1685 | Invalid key received from the Smart Key Immobilizer Module. |
1686 | No messages received from the Smart Key Immobilizer Module. |
1687 | No messages received from the Mechanical Instrument Cluster module. |
1693 | The companion engine control module has shown a fault. |
1694 | No messages received from the powertrain control module-Aisin transmission. |
1695 | No messages received from the body control module. |
1696 | Unsuccessful attempt to write to an EEPROM location! |
1697 | Unsuccessful attempt to update Service Reminder Indicator (SRI or EMR) mileage! |
1698 | No messages received from the electronic transmission control module or the Aisin transmission controller. |
1719 | Transmission 2-3 gear lockout solenoid control circuit problem. |
1740 | Either the tcc solenoid or overdrive solenoid systems doesn't seem to be making much sense. |
1756 | Transmission control pressure not equal to target. (Mid pressure problem) |
1757 | Transmission control pressure not equal to target. (Zero pressure problem) |
1762 | The Governor Pressure Sensor input was too high or too low for 3 consecutive park/neutral calibrations. |
1763 | The Governor Pressure Sensor input is too high |
1764 | The Governor Pressure Sensor input is too low. |
1765 | Open or short in the Transmission Relay control circuit. |
1776 | Chrysler Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in LR Position (this is a transmission issue which may involve replacing the valve body and solenoid pack; on some models there is a TSB on this problem so be firm with your dealer / Chrysler). |
1899 | The Park/Neutral switch seems to be stuck! |
Miten vani pelittää nostinrempan jälkeen.
Ei voi valittaa. Toivottavasti vanhus kestää vielä edelleen. Käytön jälkiä sekä ikää alkaa vanhuksessa olemaan jo jonkin verran.
Onhan tonkin kanssa jo pari rupeamaa tullut vietettyä
Katso vani projektit
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